mischievous delight

Be delighted in the Madness.


Everyone wears some sort of mask.

About the Author of the Blog:

I am many things. A contradiction, of sorts.

I am pessimist by nature who believes in happy endings.

I am a frustrated writer who has a book in her soul and 30 notebooks of dribble to prove it.

I am Bi-Polar. No, really, I actually I am. I take medication for it and will probably will for the rest of my life. I have made peace with that.

I am a child of the 80’s. I do LOVE my cheesy 80’s hair metal, synthy pop, and old school hip-hop. It brings great joy to my life.

Big Gulp

Aww. Everything went downhill from here.

I have been shamelessly addicted to coffee/caffeinated beverages since I was about 12 years old. Not the greatest thing to admit, but atlas, it’s true. It started in the late 80’s/90’s when my grandfather would take my brother and I to the local 7/11 and buy us those damned Big Gulps. A slippery slope those were. A gateway drug. Pepsi led to Mountain Dew. Mountain Dew led to Coffee. Coffee led to Venti sized Iced Mocha’s (I.E. Expresso iced with chocolate syrup). Now I am hopelessly addicted to Monster. Sigh.

My favorite band has been Depeche Mode for over 15 years. Something about Dave Gahan’s vocals paired with Martin Gore’s words that just melt my soul.

I am Bi-Sexual. A.k.a Greedy. I always found both sexes very beautiful in their own way. I never limited myself to dating strictly one particular sex. I judge people by the character, thank you very much.

I am currently married (in California, I got married, before they strip us of our right be married) to a wonderful woman who has captured my soul, in a way no one ever has and probably never will. She is in a word, awesome. And above the laundry list of things I could detail for you all about her, she does an incredible job at putting up with all my crap. If you can find someone who can love you unconditionally and call you out on your shit, MARRY THEM.

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