mischievous delight

Be delighted in the Madness.

Favorite Films of All Time

on August 22, 2012

So, I have been watching a lot of my youtube entertainment. And by that, I mean all the really interesting, inventive series/shows people have going. Mostly they are videos narrated by a niche character that talks about their specialty.. (I.E. Super Heroes, Horror films, Video Games..)

And a lot of them as of late, have been doing their “Top 10/20 Favorite Movies of all Time List”. The Angry Video Game Nerd did one, as did the nostalgia Critic as well as the Nostalgia Chick.

And it just blows my mind. The sheer fact that you could put a whole lifetime of cinema into a list of 10/20 is such a bizarre conception for me to guess. Where does one start? Do you place the ones that scared the lights out of you higher than a cartoon that made you cry buckets? I know some people feel that pressure to put some quote-on-quote “cool” movies on the list?

I like to watch others attempt to take that challenge head on.

Sometimes I feel myself arguing with it, other times I find myself shaking my head in disagreement or even in disgust.

Disgust? Really?! Do I, a mere individual have the right to rate others taste in movies?

Well, yes. We are all here to have opinions. It’s one of the many things that separate us from everyone us. And we shouldn’t be discouraged from making our list just because we may not like “Citizen Kane”, “The Godfather” or “Scareface”.

So I encourage ALL of you there to post your very own TOP 20/50/100 — Whatever it takes.

As for me, I think I might have to give this some thought before posting my list. Post to come soon!

Until then, what are some of your favorite films?

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